Ortak Ürün - 1

Projemizin işbirlikçi ürün çalışması için öğrencilerimiz faklı ülke öğrencileriyle karma takımlarda işbiriği içinde çalışarak akrostiş şiirimizin dizelerini oluşturdular.

09.05.2022 134

Hand in hand we do miracles  Act smart, act green Really glad to meet new people and culture More diference more culture One world, Many Culture
Nature is our best friend Young people will keep culturesalive. Our future is in our hands Far away country culture Nature isimportant to us
All differences are good Together to protect our world unity and cultural unity respect all cultures and all people Equality is water for life
All for one and one for all Nature is the Future, we must take care of nature to protect our future Do what makes you happy Cooperation is key Using our power to save our nature
Let's be respectful  to different cultures. Team work for good work Unique makes us different Reflectingthe cultures Environmentall friendly